Tuesday, 11 June 2013

By my side

Some days I see sunshine
Some days are bright and clear
While others the dark clouds take over
And nothing else is allowed near

Some days I feel joyful
Some days I'm filled with light
While others the burden is heavy
Like a never ending night

Some days I am contented
Some days I am filled with hope
While others the darkness surrounds me
And I dread that I cannot cope

But in amongst it all there is a voice
That calls me nearer and nearer
Bidding me to come to Him
In every type of weather

I may not understand all He does
But I trust Him with all my heart
He has the perfect plan for me
A unique and special part

One day all will be revealed
Why the dark days and the light
Were needed in the greater plan
To show his glory and might

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Hurting people

I see heartache everywhere I go.
Hurting people.
Broken hearts.
Hidden pain.
I see their heartache.
I hear their inner cries for help.
I feel their pain.
I want to help.
I want them to see my Jesus.
I want them to experience healing.
I want them to be everything they have been created to be.
I want them to know what it means to truly live; to live abundantly.
So many dull lives.
So many people surviving from day to day with no meaning.
So much loneliness.
They are lost.
They are hopeless.
I pray that one day their eyes are opened.
Their ears are opened.
Their hearts are opened.
To see the glory of God.
To see themselves in their true light.
To receive forgiveness and healing through the stripes of Christ.
I want their eyes to see the magnificence of God.
The radiance of His goodness.
The beauty of His creation; notice the flowers, rainbows and the stars of the night.
And experience God’s love.
We are fleeting.
We are on this earth for such a short time.
This time must count for eternity.
Only two things from this earth lasts forever; the word of God and souls of men.
Nothing is of greater importance.
I want my life to count.
I want every breath to count.
May every word of my mouth be loving and truthful.
May every thought be God-honouring.
May every heartbeat beat in tune with His.
I know how greatly I fall so desperately short, but I will keep striving toward the goal.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

More than I deserve

A prayer I read in my devotional by Bo Giertz this morning...

"Lord God, if You kept a record of sins, who could stand?
I know that is true. If You examined my heart and 
tested me to see if I really loved of if my intentions
were really pure and unselfish or if I really hadn't
only thought of myself, I would not pass Your test.
Yet you still love me.  You still let me work in Your
vineyard. I am still allowed to be Your servant and
 Your friend. Help me to remember how good You 
are to me so I am never jealous of You goodness 
to others. Even if I am last in Your kingdom, it is
much more than I deserve. In Jesus' name."

Even if I am last in Your kingdom, it is still much more than I deserve... MUCH more than I deserve... I will be eternally grateful.