Saturday, 30 January 2010

Do I really care?

With the recent destructive earthquake in Haiti a couple of weeks ago, I have been wondering if I really care or if I care enough. Hundreds of thousands of people are dead, thousands of children orphaned and possibly as many as a million left homeless! My mind can't even comprehend those sort of numbers! Healthcare, food and drinking water are all scarce. I lay in bed a few nights ago wondering if I could cope without drinking water. The thought of not having clean water to drink actually leaves me feeling quite anxious! I keep thinking I should care, I should, I should, I should and I do to a certain extent but not nearly enough.

The only movie I ever recall crying in was Hotel Rwanda which was based on a true story of the Rwandan Genocide (as many as a million people were killed when the Hutu tribe turned against the Tutsis) when a local hotel manager used his hotel as a safe place for some of the Tutsi people to stay. One part of that movie has always stayed with me... a foreign reporter (English I think) and cameraman were talking to the hotel manager about what was happening in his country. The hotel manager was really pleased and grateful that the rest of the world would hear about what is happening to them. The reporter sadly responded that people watching their story would probably look up from their dinner say "oh how sad" and continue eating as if nothing of significance was happening.

That has often haunted me because it is exactly what I do when I'm watching the news. I think we become so used to seeing one disaster after another that we just get numbed to really feeling much at all. I think probably even more than that it shows the depth of my own selfishness and 'the world revolves around me' mindset. Unless something directly involves us in some way there just seems to be this indepth belief that says 'it's got nothing to do with me' and just carrying on living as normal even though there has millions of lives forever affected by these tragedies.

I'm a person who is genuinely happy and enjoys life (most of the time!), but I've been thinking more and more lately that it isn't really about being 'happy'. As a Christian I've often had this misunderstanding that in order for others to want to know the Lord we need to be happy- I do think we should have the "Joy of the Lord" in our hearts, but I think that our witness is the greatest when we are broken. When we are hurting and broken it is often when God does his greatest work in us and it's through these times we have a greater ability to speak into other people's lives. One hymn says it like this:
Is the midnight closing round you?
Are the shadows dark and long?
Ask him to come close beside you,
And He'll give you a new, sweet song.
He'll give it and sing it with you;
And when weakness lets it down,
He'll take up the broken cadence,
and blend it with his own.

And many a rapturous minstrel
Among those sons of night,
Will say of his sweetest music
"I learned it in the night"
And many a rolling anthem,
That fills the Father's home,
Sobbed out its first rehearsal,
In the shade of a darkened room.

I know our own small country- even though we are a long way from the rest of the world- has had its tragedies and will no doubt have more tragedies. I will one day be affected- I am not exempt. I hope God will give me a greater burden for those things that go on around me- disasters, people going through personal tragedies etc. I want to be a woman after God's own heart; what breaks His heart should break mine also.

Friday, 29 January 2010

My beautiful boy...

What a wonderful privilege it is to be a mother! I can't think of a greater blessing than to have carried this little person inside of me and then welcomed him into the world, watch him grow and celebrate every little milestone. I love him more each day as I watch his personality begin to shine out more and more.

Recently he has started having these episodes when he goes quiet, looks panicked and can't cry out for some reason. I took him to the doctor and we currently have appointments to see a paediatrician and to have some tests done. While it doesn't concern me too much because he seems fine the rest of the time, it is quite scary to think that there could be something wrong. I guess when I start to think about it (not really a good thing to do!) it dawns on me just how attached I am to this little boy. The highlights of my day include getting him out of his cot after each sleep when he greets me with a massive grin, or when he places his soft little hand on mine which never ceases to make my heart melt, or his latest favourite thing is looking full into mine or my husband's faces and holding our face in his hands. Without a doubt the thing I adore the most is watching my darling and our little boy together- it's so precious to see their special bond and hearing the giggles that happen as a result!

Well whatever will be, will be! I'm just so grateful that we can lean on our Lord and trust Him! The bible verses that I have probably recalled more than any other in my life say this:
Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything through prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving
let your requests be known to God.
And the peace of God
that surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus
Philippians 4:6-7

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Loving others

I find that occasionally I come across people who have this aura of beauty and friendliness about them which leaves me thinking that I really would love to have that in my own life. I can think of one person in particular who has this affect on me. She is a beautiful Christian woman who hasn't had an easy life and yet she truly treats every person like they are a loved child of God; someone who is worth loving. I, on the other hand, tell God on a regular basis that it would be easier to love if he didn't create human beings. Yeah I reckon it would be easy to love if there were no people... Why is it so hard to love others? I guess for starters we are all broken, fallen human beings. To love means to get involved in someone else's issues- how much easier is it to just shut up shop and become an island? Do your own thing- keep your eyes down when you're walking- never ever use eye contact when talking to someone because horror of all horrors you may actually connect with another human being?!

A few months back when I was grappling with the decision as to whether I should throw myself into a couple of friendships to a deeper level or not, I kept wondering if I was going to get hurt. Then God very clearly told me that He created me for relationship. He created me for relationship with Him and relationship with others; to love Him and love others. And I of course in my pitiful state was like (in my most whiny 'thought' voice) "but God what if I get hurt again?" and He just said "I'll be here for you- like I've always been". With this 'new-found' knowledge (I think I'm a bit slow really!) I was contemplating just how much I had isolated myself and avoided close friendships. Sure I had 380+ friends on facebook, but how many did I really know? Maybe a handful... if that?! About half an hour after I started pondering this topic my husband arrived home with a package for me which was a book of mine that I had lent to a friend. I opened to the front page and read this:
Computers process our thoughts and link us throughout the globe.
Although wires and satellites connect us, ours is still a very lonely,
isolated society. While the internet in some ways unites us,
in so many ways we are disconnected at the heart.
The fast pace of our days denies us the basic need and privilege of
communication at its deepest levels.

A little further on the author Donna Greene had written a poem. This is the first verse:
Love one another deeply and from the heart-
A command from God- a blessing- an art
Vulnerability, nakedness- joy and pain
Awkwardness to openness-no loss- great gain
Walls so impenetrable box us in-
Separate, isolate, and closet our sin.
What a waste, a vapor, a facade-
Never the plan of our infinite God.

I was beginning to see what God was saying! It's certainly one thing to know about loving people in theory but in practice it isn't so easy! Something tells me that this will be a lifelong journey learning to love as Christ loved. He gave up His life for me! Would I be prepared to do that for someone else?! Maybe I would for a family member or very close friend, but what about someone who isn't so easy to love? Christ died for those who are difficult to love just as much as he died for me! How I hope that I will one day have an aura of love about me because I am so in tune with Him who IS love....

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Beloved Light

The reason I titled my blog "Beloved Light" is because it is the meaning of my name Amy Helen. It makes me think of my Lord who is "my light and my salvation". The meanings of names and why people are named certain names has always been a topic that interests me. My little boy Conrad Anthony Isaac was named after a great great grandfather from Alistair's side and also after my father (Isaac was a biblical name that I felt should be in there too). It means "wise advisor" and "highly praiseworthy" which I think put together means integrity! How I hope that my little boy will one day be a man of integrity!

My own name is after Amy Carmichael, who was from Ireland but went as a missionary to India and saved hundreds of girls from the evils of temple prostitution (many parents sold their daughters to the temple as babies as they couldn't afford to marry them off later on down the track). And my middle name Helen was after my great-grandmother (she died before I was born) who was the person who led my mother to the Lord. I remember some elderly relatives telling me that my great grandmother Helen was one of the most loving women they had ever known- they said that you just walked into her house and felt the warmth and love! How blessed I am to have such a godly heritage to live up to. I recently copied a poem into my journal by Amy Carmichael- here is the final verse:
Give me the love that leads the way,
The faith that nothing can dismay,
The hope no disappointments tire,
The passion that will burn like fire;
Let me not sink to be a clod:
Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God.

The name I love most of all though is the name of Jesus! And I am who I am because of Him. I have an identity and purpose thanks to Jesus adopting me into His family! I am thinking of songs about his name- can only think of four off the top of my head!

"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
there's just something about that name,
Master, Saviour, Jesus,
like the fragrance after the rain"

"Jesus, what a beautiful name
Truth revealed, my future sealed
Healed my pain
Love and freedom, life and warmth
Grace that blows all fear away
Jesus, what a beautiful name"
(Darlene Zschech)

"No other name, no one the same
Who can be found to compare with you
Mighty and great are the works you do
You're my God, You're my Lord
You've redeemed me by the power of blood
And I love you Jesus Christ my King"

"There's no other name but this name,
And no other name will do.
There's no other name but Jesus
For folk like me and you
For no other name brings pardon
And sets everybody free
There's no other name but Jesus
For you and me"
(John Gowans)

It truly is the most beautiful name- Jesus. And the thing that amazes me the most is that he knows my name! A song we sung at church on Sunday said "He knows my name, He knows my every thought, He sees each tear that falls and hears me when I call". I think there is nothing more humbling to know than the fact that the Creator of the universe is interested in me. His thoughts of me are greater than the grains of sand on the earth as it says in Psalm 139:17-18! How I long for everyone to know how much He loves them too!

Friday, 22 January 2010

New beginnings...

Well it is the beginning of a new year (well nearly the end of the first month of the new year!!) which always signifies a new start; an opportunity to start afresh. So as a part of this new year I will commence my blog, don't know why I haven't done a blog before considering I have journalled as long as I can remember.

New beginnings... It always conjures up thoughts filled with hope for the future! What will the future hold?! It's probably a good thing we don't know the answer to that as I know I probably would want to run a million miles away to avoid the hard times if I knew what would happen in advance- fortunately God provides the grace necessary when it is needed (2 Corinthians 12:9)!

5 months ago my husband and I got to welcome our little boy into the world which has been a new beginning that never ceases to blow my mind! The whole journey from trying to conceive, getting pregnant, the pregnancy itself, giving birth and getting to know our gorgeous little boy has been the best experience of my life! What a privilege it is to watch this little boy develop into the person God wants him to be! Already God is using him in ways that amaze me: him coming into this world has opened up the door to a number of friendships that probably wouldn't have happened (or wouldn't have been as close) had it not been for my little boy!

Another new beginning that recently happened was my sister getting married! What a joy to see her marry her best friend and begin their lives together. It will be so exciting to watch them grow as a couple. Wish they lived closer though- won't see them often :(

Well new beginnings always excite me- makes me feel so grateful to my Saviour for washing me white as snow and letting me start afresh....