A few months back when I was grappling with the decision as to whether I should throw myself into a couple of friendships to a deeper level or not, I kept wondering if I was going to get hurt. Then God very clearly told me that He created me for relationship. He created me for relationship with Him and relationship with others; to love Him and love others. And I of course in my pitiful state was like (in my most whiny 'thought' voice) "but God what if I get hurt again?" and He just said "I'll be here for you- like I've always been". With this 'new-found' knowledge (I think I'm a bit slow really!) I was contemplating just how much I had isolated myself and avoided close friendships. Sure I had 380+ friends on facebook, but how many did I really know? Maybe a handful... if that?! About half an hour after I started pondering this topic my husband arrived home with a package for me which was a book of mine that I had lent to a friend. I opened to the front page and read this:
Computers process our thoughts and link us throughout the globe.
Although wires and satellites connect us, ours is still a very lonely,
isolated society. While the internet in some ways unites us,
in so many ways we are disconnected at the heart.
The fast pace of our days denies us the basic need and privilege of
communication at its deepest levels.
Although wires and satellites connect us, ours is still a very lonely,
isolated society. While the internet in some ways unites us,
in so many ways we are disconnected at the heart.
The fast pace of our days denies us the basic need and privilege of
communication at its deepest levels.
A little further on the author Donna Greene had written a poem. This is the first verse:
Love one another deeply and from the heart-
A command from God- a blessing- an art
Vulnerability, nakedness- joy and pain
Awkwardness to openness-no loss- great gain
Walls so impenetrable box us in-
Separate, isolate, and closet our sin.
What a waste, a vapor, a facade-
Never the plan of our infinite God.
A command from God- a blessing- an art
Vulnerability, nakedness- joy and pain
Awkwardness to openness-no loss- great gain
Walls so impenetrable box us in-
Separate, isolate, and closet our sin.
What a waste, a vapor, a facade-
Never the plan of our infinite God.
I was beginning to see what God was saying! It's certainly one thing to know about loving people in theory but in practice it isn't so easy! Something tells me that this will be a lifelong journey learning to love as Christ loved. He gave up His life for me! Would I be prepared to do that for someone else?! Maybe I would for a family member or very close friend, but what about someone who isn't so easy to love? Christ died for those who are difficult to love just as much as he died for me! How I hope that I will one day have an aura of love about me because I am so in tune with Him who IS love....
Well...Looks like I may be the first follower :)
ReplyDeleteI remembered that in my book 'Prayers of life' by Michael Quoist there is a chapter entitled 'Lord, why did you tell me to love?' which I think speaks volumes regarding Love. It is quite long and this isn't even all of it!
Lord, why did you tell me to love all men, my brothers?
I have tried, but i come back to you , frightened...
Lord, I was so peaceful at home, i was so comfortably settled.
It was well furnished and I felt cozy.
I was alone, I was at peace,
Sheltered from the wind, the rain, the mud.
I would have stayed unsullied in my ivory tower.
But, Lord, you have discovered a breach in my defences,
You have forced me to open my door,
Like a squall of rain in the face, the cry of men has awakened me;
Like a gale of wind a friendship has shaken me,
As a ray of light slips in unnoticed, your grace has stirred me
...and rashly enough, I left my door ajar. Now Lord, i am lost!
Outside men were lying in wait for me.
I did not know they were so near; in this house, in this street, in this office, my neighbour , my colleague, my friend.
As soon as I started to open the door i saw them, with out-strecthed hands, burning eyes, longing hearts, like beggars.
Lord they hurt me! They are in the way, they are everywhere.
They are too hungry, they are consuming me!
I can't do anything anymore; as they come in they push the door and it opens wider...
Lord! My door is wide open!
I can't stand it any more! It's too much! It's no kind of life!
What about my job?
My family?
My peace?
My liberty?
and me?
Don't worry God says, you have gained all.
While men came in to you,
I, your Father,
I, your God,
slipped in amongst them,
Oh my goodness Pam! Thank you, thank you, thank you! That really hits the nail on the head! Yep that was for me- totally goes along with everything we were talking about on the phone xx