Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The B-I-B-L-E yes that's the book for me!!

I remember singing that above song at Sunday school. "The B-I-B-L-E yes that's the book for me, I'll read each day and then obey, the B-I-B-L-E"

Well I am currently on such a high after speaking to a good friend of mine who is not yet a Christian but is telling all her friends and family about God!! It always inspires me the passion of people who are on their way to becoming a Christian- the excitement of learning all about God- then of course the joy of them becoming a Christian and the beginning of their new journey with God! As I spoke to this friend I was amazed to hear that her and a family member are fighting over who gets to read the bible each day as they both want to read it so much! They are going to church and loving it and making connections between what they are reading in the bible each day and what they are hearing in church each week! Wow! I think that puts a lot of Christians to shame (me included) as I know a lot of Christians don't read their bibles often and if they do it can easily be seen as a chore (I am regularly guilty of this!)! I remember when I was on a trip to Fiji one sermon I heard always stuck with me (the guy talked for over an hour- but I could have kept listening!) and he kept saying over and over (while holding up a bible) 'This is the word of God'... 'This is the word of God'.. etc It truly is the word of God yet I know so often we forget the incredible significance of this book that holds the truth. It's the map of life telling us how to live. It is also filled with a lot of the most beautiful writings ever written. I remember reading somewhere that the bible is a love letter written by God to His beloved children. Wow!! I think I may get my bible out again and re-read my daily readings...

1 comment:

  1. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God...And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...
    If we love JESUS we love His Word...He is The Word...
