Tuesday, 23 March 2010

The developing insanity of a stay at home mum aged 24 and 3/4

This is my take on Adrian Plass's Sacred Diaries.....

Night one trying to get my boy to go through the night without a feed: Fail. Miserable fail. Rudely awoken at 12.30am from heavy sleep by crying child. Didn't know if I was Arthur or Martha. Fluffed around getting to child. Child howling. Attempted to settle child in bed for approximately 2 seconds. Picked child up (fail #1). Child relaxed a bit. Put child back in bed. Child starts howling even more than previously. Picked child up again (fail #2). Child distraught. Kicking and screaming. Fed child (fail #3). Put child back to bed. Child howling again. Picked child up again (fail #4). Child kicking and screaming again. Husband came in. Decided child will need to be moved to another room to save the neighbours hearing everything. Child calmed down. Cuddled child. Put child to bed. Sat in room to make sure child settled. Child settled. Back to bed. Can't sleep. Currently 2am.....


  1. lol. One day this will be a distant memory and you'll be wishing once more to hold a wee soft baby in the early hours. Trust me. This too will pass.

  2. Haha yes that is so true! I have come to mum and dads for a few days so hopefully we can get him into a better night routine. It's currently nearly 3am and he hasn't even woken up yet!! Amazing! I should be asleep however.....
